Overview of regulatory initiatives and personnel changes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 15 | Edward's East Strategies


Overview of regulatory initiatives and personnel changes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 15

Edward’s East Strategies has prepared monitoring papers of the most notable regulatory initiatives and personnel changes in republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan within the period July 15, 2023 – August 15, 2024.

The period under review in Kazakhstan is characterized by the adoption of a number of strategic planning documents. In particular, KassymJomart Tokayev approved the National Development Plan of the country until 2029.

The document includes four large sections, among which are indicated:

  • High quality of life;
  • Strong foundation of the economy;
  • New growth points;
  • End-to-end transformations of the economy and society.

In addition, the Government of Kazakhstan has approved the Concept of Artificial Intelligence development for 2024-2029. The document contains an action plan, which, according to its authors, should allow the country to take a confident position in the global market for the development of IT products based on artificial intelligence technologies.

Regulatorsattention was also drawn to the reform of the civil service system. Thus, the Concept of development of the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024-2029 has been adopted. The draft law has also been prepared, according to which law enforcement officers will be tested for professional integrity in order to reduce the level of corruption.

In turn, a number of initiatives in the field of sustainable development were considered in Uzbekistan. By the decision of the President, the Climate Council was created in the country. Its activities will be aimed at improving the mechanisms for the formation and implementation of a unified policy to mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as the effective implementation by Uzbekistan of its obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement.

In addition, the deputies of the Oliy Majlis considered the draft of the new Water Code in the first reading. The document should ensure an effective water management system in conditions of water scarcity in the country.

Serious benefits for the jewelry industry were also established, and deputies in the first reading adopted amendments reforming the subsoil use system.

The overviews also provide other regulatory legal acts and appointments of interest to business.