Review of regulatory initiatives and personnel changes in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan | Edward's East Strategies


Review of regulatory initiatives and personnel changes in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

Edwards East Strategies begins publishing monitorings of the most notable regulatory initiatives and personnel changes in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The materials will be published monthly and include reviews of the states’ decisions and proposals that are of interest to business. They will also provide information on key appointments to government posts.

Last month, in the Republic of Kazakhstan a number of tax relief measures for business were approved and restrictions on the export of certain goods were imposed. In addition, the Majilis adopted a law on the return of illegal assets, and the Ministry of Finance developed a draft of minimum retail prices for cigarettes and products with heated tobacco.

In turn, the Republic of Uzbekistan has adopted a law that introduces new restrictions on the distribution and use of alcohol and tobacco products. In addition, the presidential decree introduces measures to enter “green energy” certificates, the use of which will allow businesses to reduce the tax base.

The reviews also contain other regulatory legal acts of interest to business.