The antimonopoly practice is launched | Edward's East Strategies


The antimonopoly practice is launched

Edward’s East Strategies announces the launch of the Antimonopoly practice. The vector is to be headed by Sholpan Batyrbek.

Prior to the work at the firm, during a 4-year period Sholpan headed the Section for Investigating Anti-Competitive Agreements and Methodology of the Department for Antitrust Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Before that within a 10-year period she had been an official of the antimonopoly entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, climbed the career ladder from an ordinary expert to the Head of the Section for Investigations in the Sphere of Financial Markets, Other Sectors and the Methodology System. In different timelines she participated in writing the section «Economic competition» of the Entrepreneur Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in elaborating the normative acts in the competition protection domain, which constitute the legal system of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The practice geography comprises the Republic of Kazakhstan and the supranational administrative body of the Eurasian Economic Commission.